xtau lak aku yang mesir nie ada musim spring...chewahhh!!!..bley la ak buat cter korea kat sini..spring love err..love in spring...err..spring in my heart ke err...oh!ok..ok..typical title for korean drama.aku mmg minat korea but not so freak n xdela smpai aku x bley nk mention benda2 yg typical in korean drama!!.err..hmm
sangat indah gamaah aku dihiasi bunga2 cinta nie...SUBHANALLAH..mmg cntik...everyday walking on the same pathway..see the flower growing with my exam yg semakin hari semakin just around the corner je ni..
wall painting colour!!!
just ignore the 'rubbish'..that so called daisy....beautiful,ne??
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